Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kindermusik: Learning through Music

Spotlight on Learning: Village/Do-Si-Do

Pete and Repeat were sitting on a fence. Pete fell off and who was left? Repeat. Pete and Repeat were sitting on a fence. Pete fell off and who was left? Repeat. Pete and Repeat were sitting on a fence... Do you remember this childhood joke? For your child, repetition is good for more than a few laughs. It is a necessary building block of development. Repetition strengthens the learning or growth of neural connections in your child's brain. A one-time experience is not enough for a neural connection to form and stabilize. At Kindermusik, we specialize in understanding how young children learn best. So, while we won't put Pete and Repeat on a fence, we will "1-2 Tie My Shoes" and dance to "Kerry's Ten-Penny Wash" more than once. We know this leads to learning and that's no joke!
Everyday connection: Pete and Repeat were reading a book. Each time you read your child's favorite book point out different aspects of the story, such as all the green objects or circles. Ask questions like how did the baby bear feel when his daddy twirled him around or what do you think is his favorite dance? Even if your child is too young to speak the words, she is absorbing the language for use later.

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Kindermusik: Learning through Music

Spotlight on Learning: Our Time Wiggles & Giggles

When it comes to teaching social skills, parents of young children speak one language. Regardless of how the words sound coming out--Spanish, English, Vietnamese, Afrikaans, etc.--it translates the same: "Wait your turn" and "Share" unite us all. Oui?

While mastering the fine art of turn-taking and sharing increases the harmony when children play together, it also prepares them for future academic success. Studies point to a specific cluster of social-emotional skills--called self-regulation skills--as particularly important. Children who display strong self-regulation are better able to control their impulses, pay attention, work flexibly toward goals, and show an ability to plan and organize their actions.

Kindermusik helps lay the groundwork for self-regulation. In fact, one study measured children enrolled in Kindermusik against those not enrolled. The Kindermusik children performed consistently higher on four separate age-appropriate tasks designed specifically to measure self-regulation skills. We like how that translates!

Everyday connection: Ring Around the Rosey. This circle dance gives your child more than a pocketful of posies. The choreographed movements require children to cooperate, move in sync with a group, and listen to and follow oral instruction. Invite some friends over to dance!